BMPG Achievements
The following are merely our key achievements:

Support of the Computer Conservation Society recognising our work in restoring the Argus 700 computer.

Launch Control Post
Functionality of the restored
Development of replacement for the obsolete disc drive complete to ensure our ability to continue to operate the LCP
Renovation of the box body proSimulator gressing well

T86 Radar
Renovation of the vehicle and radar head progressing

BMPG has acquired a Type 86 aerial cage that will allow for the safe and correct transportation of the T86 radar aerials by road. The cage was delivered to Cosford where the RAF Museum helped out with the unloading using their Bloodhound side loader. The side loader then moved the cage to the hangar where the Type 86 and LCP are kept. This is possibly the only time a Bloodhound side loader has moved a load it was designed for since 1991! The importance of the cage is that it has the correct mounts for transporting the T86 aerial system. Call for volunteers please to help us restore it!
We have transported our LCP and Radar T86 to the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum at Neatishead, Norfolk and declared it serviceable. They are sitting alongside the RAFADRM ex operational Bloodhound Mk2 Missile and Launcher This was our objective which has now been accomplished. Here are 'before and after photographs between 2011 and 26th March 2023.